Beautologie Surgery Centers

Private & Convenient Surgery Suite

Unlike the chaotic environment of a hospital, our center is a peaceful, 3,000-square-foot setting that makes it easy for patients to relax, recuperate, and come and go discreetly. We are AAAHC accredited, which means you can rest assure that we have the highest safety rating possible.

Caring and Committed Staff

At Beautologie, it's not just the doctors who are first-class—the entire Beautologie staff takes pride in working as a team. With only a select number of patients at one time, you are sure to get the attention you deserve.

Healthy Patients Stay That Way

We are fully accredited by the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC). This means that we have the same emergency equipment as hospitals. Safety is our number one priority, which is why we are constantly updating our emergency equipment and procedures. Our perfect record for safely performed procedures speaks for itself.

Lower Overhead Means Lower Costs

We don't have the overhead of a hospital, and that is reflected in our pricing. By utilizing our surgical center, you actually pay less, yet receive more: more personalized attention, more luxe accommodations and more respect for your time and budget.

Bakersfield Surgery Center

Bakersfield Surgery Center

Bakersfield Surgery Center

Fresno Surgery Center

Fresno Surgery Center

Fresno Surgery Center

Stockton Surgery Center

Stockton Surgery Center

Stockton Surgery Center