Surgery Procedures

Gynecomastia Reduction

Gynecomastia, caused by excess fat, glandular tissue, or both, can affect one or both breasts. While not usually harmful, it can be emotionally distressing and often doesn’t resolve on its own. Treatment starts by identifying the underlying cause.

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  • Gynecomastia is a common condition where men develop breast like swellings in their chest area. It is sometimes referred to as “man boobs”. This can occur at any age, and may be accompanied with pain in the tissues of the chest.
  • Treatment for gynecomastia is relatively simple, with liposuction of fatty tissue and removal of the hard tissue under the nipple with a small incision. The incisions are small and fade well with time and care.
  • If you have lost a significant amount of weight and have loose skin, this can also be removed with a larger incision placed in the chest line.
  • The surgery is about 1-2 hours long, with recovery being about 1 week. Swelling can take several weeks to subside. You should avoid going to the gym or heavy lifting for about 4 weeks.

Gynecomastia Reduction

In certain men, enlarged breasts are a source of embarrassment, anxiety and insecurity. The technical term for this condition is gynecomastia, however it is sometimes referred to as “man-boobs” in slang. It can affect boys and men of all ages, and has any number of causes, from the natural hormone changes of puberty and old age, to certain medications such as anabolic steroids and anti-androgens, to certain diseases such as kidney failure, and hyperthyroidism.


Characterized by excess fat, excess glandular tissue or both, gynecomastia can manifest in only one breast or both. Though rarely dangerous in and of itself, it is usually emotionally damaging, and often doesn’t resolve on its own. Treatment begins with your doctor discovering the underlying reason for your gynecomastia. If the condition is caused by a disease such as hypogonadism or is the result of taking a medication, then treating the underlying disease and ceasing the offending medication may resolve the breast enlargement. If not, there are a number of very effective surgical options.

At Beautologie Cosmetic Surgery and Laser Center, our surgeons are well versed in all the latest techniques for treating gynecomastia. In general, if the enlarged breasts are due to an excess of fat alone, then either liposuction or ultrasonic liposuction is the treatment of choice. It’s fast, easy and effective with little to no scarring (liposuction is done through 5mm incisions hidden on each side). If, however, the swelling is due to a combination of excess fat and glandular tissue, then male breast reduction is necessary by making a small incision under the areola to remove the excess breast tissue. This incision is well hidden in the color change between the areola and the chest skin.

The procedure usually entails an inconspicuous incision underneath the areola to excise the extra tissue, followed by liposuction of the fatty tissue. Once the breasts are reduced to their desired size, there may be excess skin that will need to be removed (rarely). There are a number of different techniques for this. The right technique will depend on both the amount of skin to be excised as well as its condition. All of these options would be discussed with you in detail during your initial consultation. Bottom line, no man today needs to suffer from enlarged breasts… see one of our physicians for a personalized consult today.

Content written and approved by Darshan Shah, MD Plastic Surgeon.

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What is gynecomastia reduction?
Who is a good candidate for gynecomastia reduction?
How is gynecomastia reduction performed?
What is recovery like after gynecomastia reduction?
Will the results of gynecomastia reduction be permanent?
What are the risks associated with gynecomastia reduction?
How much does gynecomastia reduction cost?

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