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No two patients are ever the same. At Beautologie we view every patient as the unique individual that they are and work with them to achieve their specific goals. Meet some of our past patients for yourself and read their unique stories.

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At Beautologie, we have helped countless patients to achieve their cosmetic goals. Patient satisfaction is our number one priority and we work tirelessly to exceed the expectations of our patients. Read and watch what our patients have said about their experience with us.

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Patient Stories


I heard about Beautologie through one of my friends. She had a breast augmentation and I liked her results a lot and I thought I should make an appointment for myself! I didn’t know that Beautologie did the things that they did when I came in for a breast augmentation and then I started talking to the nurses and the staff that are always so helpful. I started looking at the brochures for other treatments and products available. Beautologie offers so many things from surgical to non-surgical, I was really surprised!

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I had a mommy make over at Beautologie by Dr. Darshan Shah. After having three children and losing the baby weight I was unhappy with how my body looked. No matter how much I worked out I could not get my tummy to be flat. I had also lost a lot of volume in my breasts. I was very self conscious in form fitted clothes, bathing suits, etc. I was feeling very discouraged that my body did not look like I wanted it to especially since I was putting so much effort into eating right and exercising.

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"I see my face everyday..I notice where I started aging first.. The tiny crows feet that formed.. The lines forming on my brow or the way my lip liner is starting to feather around my mouth from lines that are starting to appear... I'll wash my face and think .. If that was smoother.. I'd look younger. For me it's about looking as fresh and youthful as I can. God gave me the canvas and I just want to preserve it's beauty for as long as I can."

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Before I came to Beautologie I just didn't like my lower abdomen, it had stretch marks and loose skin and no matter what I did, no matter how much exercising I did, nothing helped. It was always there. I learned about Beautologie through a newspaper ad. I was going through the paper and saw it and decided I'd check it out.

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I first came to Beautologie when I was diagnosed with breast cancer 5 years ago and Dr. Darshan Shah helped me with my breast reconstruction. As far as Beautologie goes, they are like my family. Dr. Shah did my reconstruction and then I spent 5 years on chemo medicine and when I finally got off I had felt and looked like I aged 30 years so I came here to see Dr. Lehocky who did my blepharoplasty (eye lift) and after my eyes were done, I felt like my life was given back to me. I looked in the mirror and I thought oh my gosh I'm back to where I was before my cancer!

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"I started to look in the mirror and notice little things like fine lines, wrinkles and how my lips were becoming thinner. I have a career in front of the camera and I knew if I saw it in the mirror, the camera would show it 10 times worse!"

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We all look in the mirror everyday and I just started noticing the little lines that I knew were not there last week! My friends had been to Beautologie for many different things from surgery to lasers. I thought I would see what they could do to help me. My friends loved them, right? I wanted a natural look and my friends assured me I should call Beautologie.

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Maria H

I had my breast augmentation procedure performed by Dr. Barnes. After much thought, and several conversations with my husband and family I decided I was ready for a change. I did some research online and came across Beautologie. I decided to call and schedule an appointment for a consultation.

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Other Testimonials

David Ebel, Captain

Dear Dr. Shah,
I wanted to write you personally and express my thanks for your generosity by providing the funds to purchase the 10x10 Disaster Canopy Tent. We needed it desperately as a tool in disasters and community relations and did not have money in our budget to purchase it.

The Salvation Army serves Kern County through an emergency food pantry, utility assistance, low income senior feeding program, tutoring and scouting programs, disaster response and a variety of other programs designed to meet the holistic needs of our community in need. I am enclosing a brochure that covers a more detailed list of ways we serve.

Please feel free to come by our building and see us in action as we serve greater Bakersfield, one need at a time.

Again, thank you for your kindness and support. You are appreciated!

Surrendered to serve,
David Ebel, Captain
Corps Officer and Kern County Coordinator

Anonymous #1

'I am happy to be the first to recommend dr.shah! I recently had lipo and abdominoplasty, and am not only happy with the work he has done, but I love, love, love his staff!! the post surgery care and attention that is paid to the patient is priceless. all of his patient coordinators are wonderful, and very helpful. I was able to call dr. shah any time day or night if i had a problem or just wanted to ask a question. He makes himself available, which only adds to the quality of his wonderful work!!!'

Anonymous #2

Dear Dr. Shah,

I just wanted to drop you a line to say how pleased I am with my new 'physique' I consider my recent surgery a huge success. All thanks to you!!

Thanks for being such a skillful yet down to earth surgeon. You're the greatest!

Anonymous #3

Dr. Shah and Staff,

Thank you for your continued support during the past year! I wanted you to know it was greatly appreciated! Three months- pain free- now I just have to work on the weight gain. I might have to come see you again for help with that! Sorry this wasn't in person, however it's tax season and I'm rarely out of the office now.

Anonymous #4

With sincere appreciation for your kindness and generosity. Your kindness means so much to me. You are the greatest! And will always be close to my heart. You are truly a very giving person and your kindness will always be remembered...

Anonymous #5

Dr. Shah,

Thank you for your kindness and expert surgical skills. Feeling whole again is like a new lease in life. I appreciate every thing you and your staff have done for me.

Anonymous #6

Dr. Shah and your wonderful staff,

Hope you know how much your special thoughtfuness is appreciated. A nicer group of people would be very hard to find. With sincere thanks to every one of you.

Thank you for everything!!

Anonymous #7

To Dr. Shah,

Thank you so much for all you have done for me. Words do not describe my gratitude. All the work you did to care and fix another surgeons errors is unbelievable. I truly do not know the words to express how thankful I am. You really are an angel and may you always be watched from above.

To Katie April and Staff,

Thank you for being so kind and always answering my huge amount of phone calls. April you are one in a million and thanks for all that you have done for me.

Anonymous #8

Dr. Shah and Staff,

Its a genuine pleasure to thank all of you and to let you know that your kindness will long be remembered.

Thank You,

Anonymous #9

Dear Dr. Shah and Staff,

I feel compelled to write all of you a sincere letter of thanks. I would have liked to convey these heartfelt thanks to each of you. I would have liked to convey these heartfelt thanks to each of you in person, however this surgery and the excellent care received was the answer to years of prayers and I would have been in tears.

I started my first diet when I was eleven and it has been a long and painful journey for thirty three years to finally find a system that works. I was raised in the Air Force moving every two years throughout the U.S. and Europe. This made it very difficult to establish friendships based on who you are rather than your outer appearance. Needless to say kids can be very cruel as well as some adults. Three years ago, at 330lbs and such severe pain in so many areas that I couldn't ignore it any longer I risked what little pride I had left and sought medical attention. In one summer and three surgeries, God blessed my life. I no longer suffered from severe headaches virtually everyday. I was able to move and walk and bend without pain. I felt as if God had given me a second chance at life. Finally being able to exercise I went from 330lbs to 240lbs and being virtually pain free. God is awesome! Deciding on plastic surgery was not an overnight decision and I knew to even consider it I had to have in place daily exercise and a healthy eating plan. I was very frightened about comming in for the consultation as I realized I still have a long way to go. I wasn't sure how my request would be received. I will be forever grateful for the kind, compassionate, and professional attitude I received from each of you. This surgery is a step towards a life long dream and I will never be able to convey how truly grateful I am. I thank God each and every day for his blessings which includes all of you and the wonderful care I have received. Please accept my gratitude from the bottom of my heart.

All my love and thanks,

Anonymous #10

I'm appreciative of your kindness and caring. I know working me into the surgery schedule made for a long, rough day for you last tuesday, so I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciated it and appreciated your great care durring this healing process.

Thanks a lot!!

Anonymous #11

Dearest Dr. Shah,

Thank you for all the fabulous things you do for us on a regular basis. We want you to know you have acquired three indentured servants for life. Loyal and willing!! Thank you again!

All our love,

Anonymous #12

Dear Dr. Shah,

'How did you do it?' Asked the Caterpillar

'It isn't where you are, It's where you see yourself, it is both the journey and the destination. If I didn't have the destination in mind, I would have never made the journey.'

Answered the Butterfly.

Thank you for making my journey a little easier!!

Anonymous #13

Dr. Shah,

It was great to meet you and your staff. Your plans sound so exciting. Thank you for your time and consideration for such a wonderful opportunity. I am looking forward to meeting with you again.

Thank you

Anonymous #14

Everyday I look in the mirror and Thank you!! I couldn't believe it when I saw my before and after pictures. My husband loves my new body and it has given me so much more confidence.

Thank you Dr. for everything!!

Anonymous #15

Dr. Shah and Staff,

Thank You so much for the beautiful flowers you sent after my surgery. It has been two weeks since my surgery and I am doing very well. I appreciate the group effort with Dr. Ciccotto and so far I am thrilled with the results. You are a very kind and caring doctor.

Thank You for everything!


Beautologie non surgical aesthetic treatsmentsBeautologie Mommy takeoverBeautologie Mommy takeover

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At Beautologie Cosmetic Surgery and Medical Aesthetics, we offer a variety of treatments. Our team has received extensive training and has helped many individuals attain a more youthful and vibrant appearance through our surgical and non-surgical aesthetic procedures.

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