Wellness & Weight Loss

Medical Weight Loss

Beautologie's weight loss program consists of appetite suppression and monthly meetings with your dedicated nurse that will offer support and guidance throughout the program and is available by phone, email and even text! Medications prescribed may include prescription Semaglutide and Tirzepatide. You will also receive a B-12 injection to help boost your energy level!

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Beautologie Medical Weight Loss Program

We start off with an intake appointment to determine if you are a candidate for the program by collecting some vital information. At this appointment, you will meet your Nurse who will walk you through what you can expect step by step. We will collect labs, your health information, and obtain your weight loss goals. Thereafter, your team will schedule you for a Zoom or in-office appointment appointment to review the vital information obtained at your intake appointment, discuss your lab results, and determine if our weight loss program is right for you.

Participants in Beautologie’s weight loss program are provided a combination appetite suppressant to help curb daily cravings. Medications prescribed may include prescription Semaglutide and Tirzepatide to kickstart and maintain optimum results. You will also be meeting with your nurse monthly to monitor progress and receive your B-12 injection to help boost your energy level! Your dedicated nurse will offer support and guidance throughout the program and is available by phone, email and even text!

While results from the weight loss program won’t happen overnight, once you commit to the program, you will enjoy the benefits and results of healthy weight loss. Beautologie staff and your commitment to the program are a proven method of healthy, successful weight loss.

Content written and approved by Darshan Shah, MD Plastic Surgeon.

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What is medical weight loss?
How is a medical weight loss program different from other weight loss programs?
Is medical weight loss safe?
What can I expect during a medical weight loss program?
How much weight can I expect to lose with a medical weight loss program?
What happens after I reach my weight loss goal?

Other Services

Hormone Therapy

Hormonal imbalance is common, especially as we age. Beautologie physicians use Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) in Pellet form. Pellet therapy can be used to address a variety of symptoms associated with hormonal imbalances or deficiencies. The specific symptoms that BHRT can treat may vary depending on the individual and their hormone levels, but here are some common symptoms that BHRT can help alleviate: most common are menopause, low libido, mood swings fatigue, and memory problems.


Massage offers a wide range of benefits. It can help reduce stress and anxiety by promoting the release of endorphins, the body's natural feel-good hormones. It also improves circulation, allowing oxygen and nutrients to reach the tissues more efficiently. This enhanced circulation can aid in relieving muscle soreness, reducing inflammation, and promoting faster healing. Our Bakersfield Massage Therapist will help you determine which massage to choose from to soothe, relax and heal.

Beautologie Supplement Stacks

Beautologie Supplement Stacks provide a comprehensive blend of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to support radiant skin, healthy hair, and strong nails. Along with the beauty and skin care stacks, there are curated collections for gut health, longevity and weight loss, Designed to address specific health and beauty concerns, these supplements complement your healthy lifestyle routine for natural enhancement. LEARN MORE.